Submitted by Naomi Cornman on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 00:00
Connie and Carla, a comedy from 2004, exemplifies a modern day embodiment of male and female role reversals. I am posting the trailer to the movie, that tells the story of two women pretending to be men pretending to be women. In this double twist, I find it compariable to the shift of power between man and woman, in the Adam and Eve literugical play. While Eve does not pretend to be a man, being hypnotized by the serpent and her aggressive demands (in a sense a disguise) to Adam, changes the power dynamic. In Connie and Carla, the change in attidtudes towards these two women is based on external perception and disguise. Judith Butler would confirm that this is gender perfomativity at its finest.
DLCL 121: Performing the Middle Ages (FRENCH 151)