Statement of intent: Documentary on my process of trying to transcribe a modern-day version of Marcabru's "Pax in Nomine Domini" with many twists.
This project aims to explore the idea of performance by examining past and current modes of the documentation process. With troubadours and a “Pax in Nomine Domini” manuscript as my guides, I wished to emulate the very style of transcription used by scribes in medieval times. This mini “documentary” highlights the journey that took place after this original idea grew into an in depth look at the nature of human performers and audiences. Several personal reflections, interviews, and Stanford performances later, I have come to see that there are many ties between performers past and present, and that my idea of a performance will never be the same. Underneath it all is the initial goal of transcribing, which surprises me at the end when I realize how much is buried beneath a simple desire to recreate something from the past.
This video is on, and if it asks for a password for the video, it is “troubadour” (all lowercase). Here is the link in case the embedding didn't work for this project post: