I looked at the dialogue between Maria de Ventadorn and Gui d'Ussel. This poem caught my attention with the words, "I rightly consider him a traitor if, having given himself as servant, he makes himself an equal". On the other hand, Gui d'Ussel argues that "she should...consider equal the man with whom she's joined two hearts as one". This reminded me of the dynamic of a new relationship vs. a long term one. In the former, the guy typically spends a lot of energy pursuing his love interest, doing favors for her and continually trying to impress her. Once love has been attained, he begins to put less effort into the endeavor, and in modern relationships, the two participants are considered equals. According to Maria de Ventadorn, the man should always act as if he was in continuous pursuit of his love, and in this video, it is easy to see why.