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critical analysis

Roman Influences on the Troubadours

Wandering around Narbonne revealed tons of Roman history that I hadn't expected to see that far in the South of France. With my project, I looked into those Roman vestiges further, and searched for where bits and pieces of Roman ideas and phrases showed through in troubadour works. I specifically looked at Ovid and at Roman Religious Texts found in St.

Bertran de Born and Paratge in "B'em platz lo gais temps de pascor"

Statement of intent: I hope to explore the material grounding of lineage and honor in Betran de Born's canos "B'em platz lo gais temps de pascor" in this project.Thicker than Water:Bertran de Born’s Quest for Rebirth in “Be’m platz lo gais temps de pascor”To reach the castle at Quéribus, tourists climb a craggy, sandy path that weaves steeply up the mountainside. From outside, the castle looms darkly down at the viewer; from inside, it corners the inhabitant with its angled walls.

Roses in the Civic Statutes of Marseille

Stanford has a copy of the legal Statuta Civitatis Massilie that dates to 1265-1319 as additions to the document were made to include information such as lists understood to reflect vibrant economic activity. The lists include an entry for “Rozas sequas” or dried roses. Linda Paterson’s The World of the Troubadours contains an extensive survey of medieval Occitan society, including the economy, and she has found no evidence of rose cultivation or trade in the region, despite the occasional name of an object like a ship or barrel.

The Cathars: dogma and way of life

 In my final paper, I bring to light some connections that critics drew between the troubadours and the Cathars. In order to do so, in the first part of my paper I present some elements of the Cathar doctrine. The gallery of pictures illustrates some of their dogmatic characteristics.   Catharism was a dogma that essentially expressed the dualism between good and evil, light and dark powers. In Languedoc, two different versions of the dogma developed in time.

Revealing the revelations: Mary the intercessor

In the Cantigas de Santa Maria, the Holy Virgin is presented as an intercessor, an intermediary between men and God. It is fascinating to see how she is presented as adapting herself to the secular and human world (through her corporality, her beauty, her voice, her clothes) in order to reveal to men the spiritual power of God.  In Song 1, it is clearly stated that: « She is our Advocate ». This figure of the advocate is strongly underlined again in Song 3: « Through her intercession, God pardoned Adam ».


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