Link to tumblr project page : In my project, my goal was to create an online environment that immerses the viewer in the process of translating France’s medieval past into the modernist era of Ezra Pound during the late 19th and early 20th century. I chose to make a tumblr page that allowed me to post images, videos (click on the magnifying glass in the corner to play videos and to read some of the image captions), and text that could move horizontally.
I made this website as a final project for FrenGen 204: Songs and Love of War, taught by Professor Marisa Galvez. The goal of the site is to bridge the gap between chansonnier and performance by taking a manuscript - a static object - and making it interactive. I chose Marcabru's pastorela, L'autrier jost'una sebissa as the song for this project for several reasons:
(1) I am personally interested by the song, especially in its possible expression of feminism, and in comparison to the tensos which include trobairitz,