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Wine Through the Ages: Examining the evolution of viniculture from the time of the troubadours to today

For my project, I researched the importance of wine in the Languedoc region, with an emphasis on its influence both during the time of the troubadours (11th-13th centuries) and today. In addition, I explored important events in the history of wine in the area, including its arrival through Greek immigrants and the Revolt of the Languedoc Winegrowers. The latter holds additional interest for the group because it occurred primarily in and around Narbonne. I was interested in this history because as part of the seminar we learned about the importance of wine in Languedoc today, and I was curious as to whether or not the troubadours would have shared this same passion. 
I additionally established some important vocabulary around purchasing wine, as well as tips for how to choose a good-quality wine without knowing the region itself. I gave an introduction to the main varieties of wine, from light-bodied wines to dessert wines, and general guidelines for choosing a glass size and storing wine. I wanted to include this basic overview because I know many of my classmates, like myself, have not had an opportunity to experience real wine culture as is essential to this region and France as a whole.
Finally, I concluded my presentation with a wine tasting. I researched wines from the region, and from online found simple foods that would pair well with those selected wines. Through this, I hoped to not only demonstrate some of the specialties of the region, but also give examples to help students start pairing food and wine on their own. 
My main source for this project was Franck Schisano, an artisan winemaker from the region who was kind enough to give us a wine tasting and answer some of my questions about wine. In an interview, he helped me understand wine’s arrival in France, how it may have been consumed during the time of the troubadours, how it is consumed in the average French home today, regional pride in wine, and what he focuses on when purchasing wine for himself. In addition, he helped me choose the 6 wines that I used for my tasting. 
For my other sources I used a mix of websites and verified books that were available online. 
OSPGEN 77: The Other France: Troubadours and the Politics of Cultural Heritage
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