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Interactive Pastorela

I made this website as a final project for FrenGen 204: Songs and Love of War, taught by Professor Marisa Galvez. The goal of the site is to bridge the gap between chansonnier and performance by taking a manuscript - a static object - and making it interactive. I chose Marcabru's pastorela, L'autrier jost'una sebissa as the song for this project for several reasons:

(1) I am personally interested by the song, especially in its possible expression of feminism, and in comparison to the tensos which include trobairitz,

(2) The multiple voices in the song create an interesting performance problem, and

(3) one chansonnier, Manuscript R, contains musical notation for the song, making even more obvious the need to bring together manuscript and performance.


Choose a performance of Marcabru's pastorela by clicking on one of the thumbnails below. Then, click on a part of the manuscript.

Songs of Love and War: Gender, Crusade, Politics (Winter 2014)
Project type: